Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Value of a Quality Movie!

Ahhh, the movies!  Who doesn't love a good movie?  They can entice your senses.  They can make you dream of another life.  They can give you hope.  They can scare you to death.  They can make you feel warm and fuzzy.  They can open your eyes to the world.   They can make you laugh and cry.  They can educate you.  So many ways that a good movie can satisfy the senses...  The value of a movie is one thing that does not change as we age.  Movies can satisfy your senses at any age!
 However, in this day and age as an older adult, it can be hard to find a good movie to go see.   So many of the current movies don't seem to offer a whole lot of value.  Let's face it, many of them are just plain raunchy!  They seem to just be trying to shock you by just how inappropriate the content can get.  I was thinking about this during the past week as I searched for an appropriate movie to take a group of clients to from the Adult Day Center that I work in.  There were very few choices and really nothing with any value to them. 

I feel that mainstream movie-makers are missing a fairly large group of potential moviegoers by not having more options of movies available for the older population.  As I looked over the listings at our local movie theater, they were showing 12 different movies and only one of them was one that I would even consider taking a group of older adults to.  HELLO, baby boomers are now the largest group of people over 60 years old that has ever occurred!   They should have more options for satisfying their senses when they want to see a movie.

We routinely show movies at the Adult Day Center that I work at.  They are mostly older movies that they have requested to see.  Movies are a great way for them to remember their past.  The movies we show tend to spark memories in our clients, which induce conversations in the center.  I view that as a successful activity.   Any activity that gets people talking to each other and reminiscing about their lives should be viewed as a good thing.  I love hearing these conversations.  It helps me learn more about who these people really were in their life.  It also makes me realize that everybody essentially wants the same things in life.  To be happy, loved and secure. 

The selection of older movies that can be shown  are endless but try to find a list of current movies that fits the criteria, the list does not form so quickly.   I suggest that this is because our society just simply does not value our older adults as they should.   The majority of movies today are driven to attract the young.  Don't get me wrong, I love the movies.  All types of movies.  I am simply suggesting that more quality movies be made more often.  By "quality movies" I mean movies with substance that inspire hope, real life and give a connection to life.  Movies such as: The Help, Moneyball, The Notebook, Blindside and The Greenmile come too far and few between. 

Satisfying your senses keeps a person on the path to Aging with Ease.

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