When is it time to ask for help? In my work, I am asked this question so many times, you would not believe it! Whether it is Dementia, Parkinson's disease, ALS,
just plain getting old or any other ailment affecting your family the
question eventually always comes... When should I look for outside
As a primary caregiver of someone you love, this can be a
very difficult question to ask yourself, let alone someone else. As a
caregiver you may feel guilty about not being able to handle it all, or
that in someway you have failed by admitting that you need help. Here
are a few things that you, as a primary caregiver should ask yourself:
1. Am I physically exhausted and overwhelmed by the situation?
2. Do I feel like I never have time to myself to just relax, read a book or do anything that is just for me?
3. Do I dread each day and what it may bring?
4. Do I view my loved one as a dependent and have trouble enjoying time with him/her?
5. Is my health suffering because of the needs of my loved one?
you answered "Yes" to any of these questions you should begin to look
for information and services that are available in your area. I would
also encourage you to be honest with the people closest to you about the
true reality of your situation. Many times caregivers try very hard to
make things look as though everything is fine, when their reality is
very different. It is a way of coping for the caregiver to try to keep
things the same for as long as possible. I don't know anyone who does
not try to avoid an unpleasant decision for as long as possible before
facing it head on, especially when dealing with a progressive disease or
condition with no cure.
In most situations the people close to you
want to help and are just waiting for you to open up to them. That is
the best place you can start to reach out. Making these decisions alone
can be overwhelming and when you are already trying to deal with the
everyday chores of being a caregiver that can feel like one more thing
to do when in fact finding help can actually allow you to become the
spouse, daughter, son, friend, or sibling again.
I started this
blog to try to help families and caregiver find what it is the right
path for them. There are no right or wrong decisions about the path you
choose except to do nothing. If you have never dealt with anything
like this before, how could you possibly know about what health services
available- they certainly do not make them easy to find sometimes! I
will be posting more blogs about each of the services available out
there and trying to give you some direction.
If you have specific
questions about a need you may be having; feel free to write me and I
will try my best to steer you in the right direction
The goal of course is Aging with Ease!
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